
An Online Journal

Monday, November 21, 2005

Read Along with Oprah

I picked up Frey's A Million Little Pieces at Target and have been reading it quickly. While it's not a scared straight book, it does have it's fair share of horror. Early in the book, Frey has extensive dental work, including a double root canal, done with NO ANAESTHESIA. (Because his addiction to substances is so strong there's no way the dentist can give him novacaine.) Later, when he tries to leave the facility to go and get high, another patient asks him, if you can stand a double root canal with no painkillers, then why can't you stay in the facility long enough to complete the program?

However, one does get the impression that a certain amount of the book is fiction. One or two of the characters seems at least partly fabricated, IMHO.


At 9:41 PM, Blogger Gary said...

I heard a very interesting interview with an author on NPR who had written a book on celebrity drug addictions. I didn't hear too much of it, and don't recall author name or title, but was just fascinated by the downward spiral of drug use which hits some people.

One of the people in that book was one of the members of Three Dog Night. Apparently he hit bottom pretty hard.

We had three guys from a drug rehab place come and talk to the youth at our church over the summer. They all had interesting stories. The two older people both had stories of breaking their addiction, becoming successful, then relapsing back and losing everything. I can't imagine dealing with the sense of failure which would go along with something like that.

At 11:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks some of the characters are fabricated. In particular, Lilly and Leonard seem like characters that were grafted from tv or the movies. In both cases they seem more like props to advance theaction then actual human beings.


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