
An Online Journal

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Started reading Sarah Vowell's Assassination Vacaction recently via audible. If you aren't familiar with Vowell, you might also check out her book Take the Cannoli. My favorite line from Assassination Vacation so far:

You know that game where every movie is related to Kevin Bacon. Well, you're the same. Every conversation with you is just one breath away from talking about a presidential assassination.

Vowell was also the voice of Violet in The Incredibles and a regular contributor to This American Life. It's odd to think of Vowell as a superhero though. She's allergic to wheat, among other things.

I also started The Sound and the Fury and am trying to read along with Oprah. Isn't it amazing that someone can actually have such an effect on the public that you can now buy Faulkner at Wal-Mart and at Target. I'm glad to see that Oprah can get people (large numbers at that!) excited about reading great books.


At 11:42 PM, Blogger lucie said...

hey, it's good to see that you haven't abandonned your little secret writing corner :) how are things? how's the sound and the fury? never dared to try it...

At 7:55 PM, Blogger Gary said...

I read Light in August and felt like I'd gotten my fill of Faulkner. It's not horrible, but it didn't capture my facy either. Did just finish Goblet of Fire though. If someone had the foresight 6 years ago to invest in JK Rowling page counts, they would be a millionaire now.

At 3:15 PM, Blogger Lenise said...

I read The Sound and the Fury and had a reaction similar to Paul's in re:LiA

At 3:20 PM, Blogger Scott said...

Faulkner does take some effort. But as the effort increases, so does the payoff.


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